Thursday, March 4, 2010

Not very inspiring

When it comes to finding a space in our house to craft it is almost impossible, actually for anything really!! Due its small size I am unable to have a designated area where I can leave things set up. So Everything is returned to boxes after I borrow the kitchen table. It can be an overwhelming task just looking at it let alone pulling it all out to make things. I hope in the future (VERY SOON) we will be able to built a garage out the back for all non essential items and I can have my own area!!!!

Here is my current craft area:

And that lovely ribbon box hasn't quite got any ribbon in it yet!!!!!!

Well until the time when I have a study or even a craft room (how cool would that be)
I will be thankful that I have a kitchen table and the materials to make things!!

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I hope you don't have to sit in that little kids lounge to do your crafting Emma, now THAT would be sad......

  2. Well actually when I do use that when i do things on the loungeroom floor!!!!!! And use the box as a table!!!! LOL

  3. Hi Emma, You make such lovely things! People with fancy craft rooms hardly ever use them anyway!

  4. Hi Emma,
    I have just had a quick look at your blog, and it is lovely, I have to head out now but will have a bit more of a look later..very inspiring :)

  5. Oh thanks so much Debra!!! I will have to get cracking and upload some more craft!!!! and Michelle you are absolutely right !!
